A Lust For Life
Schools Programme

Providing future generations in Ireland with the resources to be effective guardians of their own minds

About The A Lust For Life Schools Programme

The A Lust For Life Schools Programme is a 10 week teacher-led programme which aims to build resilience, increase wellbeing & enhance the emotional literacy of Junior Infants to 6th class school children. Throughout the ten lessons, children creatively learn about their wellbeing and self-care with content that is rooted in psychology, has been written by educational specialists and created by children for children. The Programme includes lesson plans, learning material, a Netflix-style gallery of engaging videos, and much more, all designed to increase & expand pupils understanding of feelings and emotions, and create a more compassionate, happier school environment.

As a result of the programme in PE for example they are being much more mindful of each other. One of the boys is very anxious/nervous and the stronger boys have started encouraging him and getting him involved! The boy has since progressed, now he’s going swimming, he’s more vocal and he likes PE now!

Sadie Neville - Scoil Naomh Iosaf Adare BNS

The pupils 100% benefited from the programme After the ALFL programme they did a mindfulness programme, and the mindfulness teacher said this class were way ahead of other classes – much more open and took it all in. She couldn’t believe how far ahead they were.

Joanne Quinn - St.Patrick's NS, Strangsmills

Our ultimate goal is to reach every primary school pupil in Ireland with the A Lust For Life Schools Programme, and we’re on our way:
primary schools delivered the programme
primary school pupils received the programme
primary school classrooms have taken part
of primary schools across Ireland

Everything Teachers Need In 4 Steps

Register Your Interest

Complete the registration below to register your class for the programme

Sign In

Sign in to get access to all videos, lesson plans and teacher resources on demand

Download Materials

Access and download lesson plans and supporting materials for each lesson

Watch Videos

Watch videos accompanying lesson plans, play and pause on demand

Register Your School

Please complete the registration form to sign your school up for the programme.

The children and I loved the programme, it was very user-friendly with very clearly planned out with precise objectives. It’s one of the best and most effective programmes I’ve used since I started teaching 19 years ago!

Pamela Denton - Clonroche National School

I love how the lessons are available to print so easily, along with the lesson support sheet and lesson slides. Everything is so accessible at the click of a button - which is so important in a busy classroom.

Niamh Lawless - St Peters National School

Friendships change a lot in 3rd and 4th class and it’s been great to have the videos and programme to refer to.

Noelle Igoe - Scoil Mhuire Carrick on Shannon

Developed with the support of:

How You Can Support The Programme
We want to make sure that every pupil in Ireland can take part in the Schools Programme which is why our programme is free of charge to schools. In order to continue growing the programme content and growing the programmes reach across Ireland we need your support. Please come on this journey with us as we begin to provide the future generations of Ireland with the wellbeing tools to manage their own minds.